To all mothers in every circumstance, I say, be peaceful. Believe in God and yourself.
You are doing better than you think you are. Jeffrey R. Holland
Hey there from Nannyland,
We celebrate Mother's Day at our house from afar, since both my husband's and my mom have passed, and my two lovely daughters live far in Pacific Grove, California and one in Copenhagen, Denmark. My husband always spoils me and I love having a "group call" from my girls, along with some delightful surprises in the mail. To make it even more enjoyable, my BFF invites my husband and I to their home every year to celebrate with their children and grandchildren. What a treat it is to commemorate motherhood with three other moms, two of them who still have young children. I always like to take a small gift for them, but it can get difficult choosing something unique and useful.
Gift cards are always an option, but there's the eternal conundrum of keeping them from being generic and impersonal. The first thought I had this year was this darling 3D shopping cart from Spellbinders. I've been dying to make a card with it and, in this case, I loved cutting and embellishing all the cute little dies three times. At first, I thought I would make each card different and fill it with goodies that would match my recipients' personalities. How would I accomplish that, you ask? Well, I've been collecting all of the themed shopping cart die sets from Spellbinders since the beginning, because why not? But all the gluing and assembling turned out to be a bit daunting for three cards, so I settled on an assembly line approach for my sanity. I'll have a good time changing the cart up for other occasions. My mind is brimming with ideas already!
I added a Target gift card and a sentiment to the inside, et voila!...a fun little treat for some seasoned shoppers who will get a kick out of this adorable cart full of cute stuff. Now I just have to figure out how to deliver it to them, since it obviously will get smooshed in a regular envelope. As a last resort I could just hand it to them "as is" and watch them smile. Yes, I think I'll do that.
Thanks for visiting Nannyland.
I'll just be here blissfully creating until your next visit.
Nancy (aka Pink Panoply)
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