Thursday, January 13, 2022

Fruity Quilt - Benartex Jelly Roll

There's a great satisfaction in seeing a thing take shape and form under one's hands, 
especially if they are made from oddments into something worth while.

Hey there from Nannyland,

Deciding what to do with my colossal jelly roll stash has always been a quilty conundrum for me   I know there are tons of fabulous patterns, but my dilemma is deciding which one to choose. My new Electric Quilt 8 has been a welcome solution to this quandary. I'm just learning to use it, but it's fairly user friendly and I'm having such fun playing and coming up with all sorts of quilt designs and ideas.  This quilt was easy to lay out and sew up in a jiffy with this cute Benartex fruit themed fabric.

I think it auditions well on my  queen-sized guest room bed but I'm saving it for a gift for a friend who likes to cuddle up and watch TV in the evening.

Striped binding is my go-to favorite because I love the crisp look stripes give to almost every pattern and theme. 

My husband is a sweetie and is always willing to help me photograph my quilts, even though it can be grueling on his arms.  This is what happened when I asked him to show me the back.  Gotta love em.

Thanks for visiting Nannyland.
I'll just be here blissfully creating until your next visit.  
Nancy (aka Pink Panoply)

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