Friday, July 6, 2018

Home Sweet Home - Richele Christensen Collage Kit

👉 “Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try.”– Dr. Seuss

My dear friend and incredible designer, Richele Christensen, has just opened  an Etsy Store and I was privileged to be one of the first to purchase one of her fabulous collage kits. (My finished project is the one on the left, her sample is top right.)  She is a very popular designer and all her items sold out almost immediately.  Richele has been a Tim Holtz designer for many years and is now designing for Sizzix.  She travels the globe teaching classes and making "artists" out of her adoring fans. Years ago, she was my favorite instructor at the Stamp Art Shoppe with  her talented eye for design, always making projects simple and fun.  We  felt like proper artists when we left with our new skills and beautiful handmade card creations. 

I am far from being a collage artist and my creation is a lot "stiffer" than Richele's sample but I'm proud of myself for attempting something out of my comfort zone.  My brain likes balance, order and preciseness, even when I'm trying to be free and flowing.  So a kit with detailed instructions and materials is the perfect way for me to safely wander out of my box. The design was cute and simple, ala Richele, and a pefect addition to my sewing room wall.  All I had to do was follow the instructions, cut out the pieces from a pattern, do a little fun sewing and painting,  and glue the pieces in place on the wooden vignette tray included in the kit.  I used my own fabric scraps to  match the quilts on my wall perfectly.

If you love collage art or just want to try something new and you want to create your own little masterpiece designed by an artist extraordinaire, hop on over to Richele's Etsy Store and purchase one of her wonderful kits.  

Thanks for visiting.
Go forth and create something fabulous.

Playing along with:



  1. A fabulous project. Wonderful colours and textural details.
    Thank you for joining in with our July challenge "Anything Mixed Media Goes" at Creative Artiste Mixed Media. Good luck x

  2. Oh how lovely this is! Thank you for sharing her Etsy shop. I think I'm going to give this a try :)

    Jeannie T.
    Dragonfly Journeys

  3. Sadly, it doesn't look like the link to her Etsy shop works. I don't see anything on her blog either :(

    1. I'm so sorry your links don't work, Jeannie. They seem to work fine from my blog. You will find her blog and instagram at You can also Google Richele Christensen and find her. She designs for Sizzix and she is brilliant. I'm excited to take a Christmas in July card making class from her next weekend in Dixon, California. I'm planning to post some of the cards we make.
