Saturday, October 6, 2018

For Rosie - Machine Embroidered Ballerina Quilt

   ðŸ‘‰   I love these little people; and it is not a slight thing when they, who are so fresh from God, love us.   Charles Dickens  

Embroidery Library Ballerinas,  Accuquilt Go Big fabric cutter and dies, Riley Blake Fabric, Isacord  Thread, Embrilliance Embroidery Software

When one of my dear friends excitedly announced she was finally going to get her first girl grandchild, I joined in  her elation.  All of her grandchildren so far are boys, and this little sweetie has been greatly anticipated.  Then, when she announced the baby's name was going to be "Rosie," my head swam with delightful ideas on a gift I could make for her.   

I knew I had these adorable Ballerina embroidery files from Embroidery Library just waiting to dance on a darling little girl's quilt.  Their flower tutu's are perfect for a beautiful garden in which Rosie takes center stage in the middle block.  My Embrilliance Embroidery Software allowed me to resize my ballerinas to fit my six-inch blocks and curve Rosie's name around the rose tutu in the center block .My Accuquilt Go Big fabic cutter is always my favorite way  to cut perfectly accurate blocks and sashing.  Beautiful floral Riley Blake fabrics created a lovely palette for my quilty flower bed. I didn't photograph the backing before I sent the quilt, but the fabric matches one of the floral prints on the front.  I stitched in the ditch to quilt and handmade some of my favorite striped binding.  Now all this quilt needs is a little sweet  baby slobber to make it perfect!

I love making baby quilts so much because the recipients are definitely my favorite people!  

Thanks for visiting.
Go forth and create something fabulous.

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