Thursday, June 20, 2024

Preview of Millie's Dresses Wall Hanging Quilt

Fashion is the art and you are the canvas. 

Hey there from Nannyland,

I've had my eye out for a really cute dress quilt block and I've definitely found it with this darling Millie's Dresses pattern by Lori Holt.  I've been planning a special wall hanging for years, patiently waiting for the right design to complete my vision. 

This adorable Lori Holt fabric collection is called Mercantile and it perfectly suits these nostalgic vintage-style dresses.  I almost hated to cut into my fat quarters, but it was super fun coordinating the collars and belts with the main dresses. 

Lori's original quilt design calls for 16 dresses, but I only needed six for my wall hanging.  I had such a delightful time piecing them, I may decide to make the whole quilt at some point.  The borders Lori has created for her setting are amazing.  I  have a specific spot I want to hang my smaller quilt, and it's a little bit of a squeeze, so I'll save the fancy borders for a bigger quilt.  

I've grown accustomed to cutting my pieces on my Accuquilt Go, so rotary cutting several small pieces was a little bit of a stretch for me.  I had to rely on my questionable math skills for accuracy instead of depending on the precision of die cuts.  I don't mind doing this, though, because there are so many beautiful quilts out there that don't quite fit  my Accuilt dies.  I was able to cut my 1 1/2 inch sashing and borders with my Go stip dies, thank goodness.  

With my hand cut pieces,  I really felt I had hold my tongue in the right place while sewing the blocks so that I preserved all my corners and the pieces lined up where they should.  I failed in this attempt a few times, as always,  but I still think the dresses look adorable. 

I have a really fun idea for the hanging of my quilt that will make me happy every time I look at it.  Stay tuned for the unveiling in a couple of months when everything comes together. 

Thanks for visiting Nannyland.
I'll just be here blissfully creating until your next visit.
Nancy (aka Pink Panoply)

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Dreaming Tree Super Dad SVG - Happy Fathers Day

Dreams save us. Dreams lift us up and transform us. And on my soul, I swear...
until my dream of a world where dignity, honor and justice becomes the reality
we all share --I'll haver stop fighting.       Clark Kent

Hey there from Nannyland, 

My struggle to create guy cards is real, but I have to admit I had a delightful time creating this Father's Day card for my hubby.  I downloaded this fabulous svg from the Dreaming Tree website and had a blast assembling their incredibly clever card.  After cutting the layers on my Cricut Maker, it took only a few minutes to do all the assembly and add a few fun embellishments.  All the pieces in this design fit together seamlessly like a puzzle

I didn't want to bother with messy sponging, so I added a few light shadows with Copics and colored pencils, which are always at the ready on my desk.  I paper pieced the tie because my husband would rather die than be seen in a boring one. The sample on the website had pearl buttons but I drew  small circles with  my pencils instead for a more masculine look...because, of course, the flowered tie and flower in the lapel are so manly. Hey, I was just trying to keep things balanced. I thought of adding a clever sentiment to the belly band, but the Happy Fathers Day was so cute, I went with that.

Creating this super fun card was definitely positive reinforcement to ease my guy card qualms.  I think I'll just keep hopping over to Dreaming Tree for my masculine card designs.  I've seen some really awesome ones I'm dying to try! 

Thanks for visiting Nannyland.
I'll just be here blissfully creating until your next visit.
Nancy (aka Pink Panoply)
                                                                   Playing along with:
Tic Tac Toe Challenge #249 (layers, die cut, patterened paper)

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Quality Time With My Art Supplies - Conie Fong Artistic Leilani Digital Stamp

There's a flight plan in life, whether easy or hard.  It comes with a breathtaking view.
Trust your wings, trust your journey, trust you're never alone.  
See the beauty in the plan.  It's you. 

Hey there from Nannyland, 

One of the things I love most about art journaling is that I can just randomly choose a favorite image and create whatever pops into my head at the moment without thought to occasion, sentiment or  theme.  I often look around Nannyland with eyes agog, getting a little high on the delicious art tools surrounding me on every side.

I chose this adorable Artistic Leilani  image from Conie Fong for my journal page this week,  because she looks like she's contemplating an afternoon of blissful crafting ( if that huge swooping bird doesn't peck the cup right out of her hand. Yikes!).  I was excited to use my Spellbinders paintbrush dies again because I love their awesome embossed details.

I used pin-striped designer paper with flower and bird details for my image background.  I fussy cut the flowers and bird from a matching sheet of paper, added glitter and small flower centers, and popped them up for dimension.  I paper pieced the bodice of Leilani's dress with a shimmery embossed pattern and added Spellbinders flowers to her luxurious hair.  

I die cut coordinating designer paper with a Tattered Lace frame die for the background layer on the opposite page and edged it with a silver leafing pen.  The sentiment was created in Cricut Design Studio with the writing and cutting features. 

Yep, art supplies are definitely some of my most treasured companions.  My Copics, Spellbinders dies, and Cricut Maker are my besties, for sure! We have spent many blissful hours together in Nannyland. while cozily navigating life's peaks and valleys.  I thank God every day for the healing power of the gift of creativity that lives within us all in some form or another. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm just gonna close my door now and be at one with my supplies.    

Thanks for visiting Nannyland.
I'll just be here blissfully creating until your next visit.
Nancy (aka Pink Panoply)
Playing along with: