Thursday, June 6, 2024

Quality Time With My Art Supplies - Conie Fong Artistic Leilani Digital Stamp

There's a flight plan in life, whether easy or hard.  It comes with a breathtaking view.
Trust your wings, trust your journey, trust you're never alone.  
See the beauty in the plan.  It's you. 

Hey there from Nannyland, 

One of the things I love most about art journaling is that I can just randomly choose a favorite image and create whatever pops into my head at the moment without thought to occasion, sentiment or  theme.  I often look around Nannyland with eyes agog, getting a little high on the delicious art tools surrounding me on every side.

I chose this adorable Artistic Leilani  image from Conie Fong for my journal page this week,  because she looks like she's contemplating an afternoon of blissful crafting ( if that huge swooping bird doesn't peck the cup right out of her hand. Yikes!).  I was excited to use my Spellbinders paintbrush dies again because I love their awesome embossed details.

I used pin-striped designer paper with flower and bird details for my image background.  I fussy cut the flowers and bird from a matching sheet of paper, added glitter and small flower centers, and popped them up for dimension.  I paper pieced the bodice of Leilani's dress with a shimmery embossed pattern and added Spellbinders flowers to her luxurious hair.  

I die cut coordinating designer paper with a Tattered Lace frame die for the background layer on the opposite page and edged it with a silver leafing pen.  The sentiment was created in Cricut Design Studio with the writing and cutting features. 

Yep, art supplies are definitely some of my most treasured companions.  My Copics, Spellbinders dies, and Cricut Maker are my besties, for sure! We have spent many blissful hours together in Nannyland. while cozily navigating life's peaks and valleys.  I thank God every day for the healing power of the gift of creativity that lives within us all in some form or another. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm just gonna close my door now and be at one with my supplies.    

Thanks for visiting Nannyland.
I'll just be here blissfully creating until your next visit.
Nancy (aka Pink Panoply)
Playing along with:


  1. WOW! What fun, bright, inspiring journal pages! You certainly have the layers for the theme at Allsorts! Thank you for joining us this week!

  2. Your image is coloured so beautifully, many thanks for sharing with us at Allsorts challenge.

    B x

  3. very very pretty ...thank you for joining us at Crafty Gals Challenge Corner

  4. Hi Nancy, your art jurnaling page is fabulous, the colors and the message you spread are beautiful. Creativity is contagious, always pass it on. Good luck and thanks for joining Dream Valley Taty x DT

  5. Your paper piecing is amazing! I adore this page! Thanks so much for sharing with us at A Place to Start!
    Chana Malkah, Owner
