Monday, July 1, 2024

The Nancy and Hallie Craft Club


Hey there from Nannyland,

My adorable six-year-old neighbor absolutely loves Nannyland and enjoys shopping in my drawers and cupboards for her own art supplies.  More than once she has grabbed a handful of some very special embellishments and put them in her pocket to my chagrin, but I just can't say no to her precious smile.  

This week she didn't see me at church and learned I was a little under the weather.  She asked if I wanted her to bring over a craft project  that we could do together to cheer me up.  Of course, I said an enthusiastic yes.  She showed up at my door with a rock painting kit her father had bought her on a recent "daddy date."  It included several rocks of varied shapes, paint brushes, acrylic paint and gems for embellishments.  The tools and paint were of questionable quality, so we went to work finding suitable replacements in my boundless stash.  

She turned out to be one of my favorite craft partners ever and we agreed we should start a Craft Club with regular meetings.  I'm having fun thinking of all the things we can do together.  What a good way to make use of all the neglected supplies taking up space in my craft area.   

Hallie went home with some very artistic rocks and came back later in the day with some cookies to thank me for letting her join me in my special getaway.  And, of course, she was wearing a dinosaur costume because, why not? 

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